The 31 Day Couple’s Challenge

Hello lovely couples,

I am calling on all couples, whether you are dating, engaged or married.

We are bombarded with life’s daily complications and our hectic schedules, leaving us little or no time for our significant other. But it is important to carve out a little time everyday to appreciate one another. It doesn’t have to be anything complicated, it is the thought that counts. The little sweet gestures are what matter.

I created the 31 Day Couple’s Challenge to bring couples together in a fun way without any pressure for either party. I have done the heavy lifting for you by creating a list for you to follow. There is no right or wrong way of going about this challenge. You can begin the challenge on the first of the month or join in later in the month. You can skip around and do what feels right for you as a couple. It is completely up to you. My goal is to bring couples together while having a ton of fun in the process.

My hubby and I will join in on this challenge and I will keep you posted on our journey. I encourage you to let me know how the challenge is going for you, as well. You can leave comments on my blog or FACEBOOK page. Can’t wait to hear from you.

The challenge begins October 1st. I hope you accept the challenge.

Brenda Martinez-Arriola

P.S. You can download The 31 Day Couple’s Challenge and place it on your refrigerator, bulletin board etc. if you so desire.

Download Here