Our Journey – Day 22, 23, & 25

Today was a compilation of Day 22, 23 and 25.

Day 22 & 25

I didn’t get to watch my favorite movie -Breakfast at Tiffany’s- on the 22nd, but it was totally worth the wait. My hubby wanted to make it special for me, so he made the trek all across town to purchase a Breakfast at Tiffany’s cupcake – it was the pretties thing, tiffany blue with decorative pearls. I then dressed the part in my hubby’s white button up shirt and pearls. Yes, pearls. One cannot watch Breakfast at Tiffany’s without pearls. Of course I loved the movie, but it was even better watching it with my sweetheart. It was the first time we’d watched the movie together. So, Day 25 is in the bag!

Day 23
Whenever we have a stressful day we usually ease the stress with a long tight hug. We know that no matter what life throws at us -the good, the bad, and the ugly- we always have one another. If we don’t have that we have nothing. So those hugs help us put things in prospective and allow us to overcome those stresses we face. Well today was one of those days.
