Trending Now…Blush Pink

I AM BACK! It has been a grueling past two weeks.  What began as allergies soon turned into a bad cold and eventually morphed into bronchitis.  I was out for the count.  Bed rest for the entire two weeks.  I don’t usually get sick (probably about 2 times a year), but when I do I feel like my body makes up for the year.  It’s pretty intense. But finally I am better, not 100%, but much better than I was those horrible two weeks.

Let’s get this week started! I know it’s Tuesday, but I’m still not 100%.

I am seeing BLUSH PINK everywhere. I personally love this color. So much so   I have three rooms in my home painted this fabulous color (our master bedroom, master bathroom and my home office).  Blush pink was also one of the colors I used for our wedding.

It is a shade of pink that many will find appealing, because it isn’t too overpowering and looks so good with other colors.

Can’t wait to see this light and airy color used in the weddings we film.

