Cyber Monday

Man ‘o man the past few days have been a whirl wind.  Wednesday was spent buying last minute supplies for Thanksgiving and Black Friday, as well as, prepping ingredients.  Thursday was Thanksgiving, which meant lots of laughing, eating and relaxing.  Friday was our BLACK FRIDAY event-we had fun and hope to do it again.  Saturday was errand day. Sunday was finally a day to relax and do absolutely nothing- we did just that.  We are now on Monday- a new week, new promotion (actually continuation) and new possibilities.

It is CYBER MONDAY! John Arriola Films and Le Vintage Photo Booth will extend their BLACK FRIDAY deals for the entire week.  Yup! The BLACK FRIDAY prices will be good through Monday, November 30th – Friday, December 4th.  Isn’t that fantastic?! You may contact John at or (956) 686-5055 for details or to set an appointment.  Be sure to contact him to take advantage of these deals.

