Budget Saver No. 2

BudgetSaverBudget Saver No. 2

His & Her Signature Cocktails is a hot trend that can be seen everywhere.  I love that a signature cocktail adds a personal touch to any wedding and helps bring down the cost of the bar.

I know what you’re thinking, ‘how exactly does a signature cocktail bring down the cost?’

An open bar means you must stock your bar with all the popular spirits and liquors and several of each. Then you must consider the extras, any beverage that may be combined with the spirits and liquors. All of that can add up, and fast. If you have ever stepped foot into a liquor store you know that the selection if vast.  What to choose and how many?

Now, if you commit yourself to a couple of signature cocktails (one for her and one for him), then you only have to consider the ingredients for those particular drinks. Instead of buying several different types of liquors, now you will only purchase one or two different liquors.  This lowers the cost tremendously.  Another plus, some drinks may be mixed in big batches, therefore, eliminating or reducing the need for bartenders and/or servers.

At our wedding we served a signature cocktail and had an open bar that included beer.  Oh and wine, too.  We bought A LOT of alcohol. At the end of the night our guests stuck to one type of liquor and the other bottles were hardly touched, few drank wine and the beer was gone, as we had expected.  The signature cocktail was a hit! Everyone loved the signature cocktail- pink margarita- and I do mean everyone.  My dad and uncle are beer drinkers, I don’t think I have ever seen them drink anything but beer, and they couldn’t get enough of the signature cocktail.  Now looking back, in all honesty I think we could have gotten away with serving beer and a signature cocktail or two. Our guests would have been completely content with that.

