New Year’s Resolutions!

2016-TheYearOfTheArriolasI sit here reflecting upon 2015 and all its glory.  In 2015 my husband and I traveled about 7,000 miles- that adds up to A LOT of adventures, met so many lovely couples and had the privilege of capturing some of the most breathtaking moments.  It was an incredible ride, I would do it all over again if I could- even the not so fun parts or bumps in the road we encountered.  I have come to a point in my life where I no longer dwell on the bad, uncomfortable, sad, or tolling experiences, rather I let them be what they are and know all these hiccups make me stronger and provide me with some very valuable life lessons- they are what shape us as human beings.  Life cannot be ALL rainbows and unicorns.  A truly fulfilling life is filled with wonderful experiences and the not so great ones too. I look forward to seeing what is in store for the new year.

My husband and I have coined 2016 as THE YEAR OF THE ARRIOLAS!  We have vowed to do more traveling and creating many more wonderful memories.  We have so many new projects, events, promotions, and ideas to unveil this year. It is the year of “go big or go home!” And of course this year like every other year we have created our New Year’s Resolutions List.  Every year we promise to stick to, accomplish,  and follow through, but every year it doesn’t take long for us to falter.  This year I have gone further than just write down my list, I have typed it out in a pretty font with pretty embellishments and plan to slip it in a frame and tack it to the wall right above my computer.  I’m hoping that will keep me in check and on track.

A few of my resolutions are as follows:
– Be open  to new things. I love adventures, but at times I feel I hold myself back and miss out on incredible opportunities. I do venture out of my comfort zone every now and again, but I would like to venture even further when the occasion presents itself.

– Host more parties and get togethers.  When my husband and I moved into our house we were constantly throwing parties.  We would make up events or reasons to celebrate, but it has declined over the years.  The whole reason we bought our home was to have a place where family and friends could come over and have fun. I hope to get back to those glory days this year.

– Read more. Reading is a love I had before I attended school.  I loved when my mom would read bedtime stories to my brother and I when we were little.  And when I began school and learned how to read I was in heaven.  I couldn’t read fast enough to get through all the books.  Year after year my love for reading grew stronger and stronger.  It continued in adulthood- I minored in English, just so I could read all the magnificent literature.  In the past few years reading has been put on the back burner and has declined, but I hope to change that this year.

– Get organized. Oh my goodness, this is one I have been trying to tackle for an eternity.  I can’t seem to get a hold of this one.  And every time I turn the house upside down looking for something I vow I will get organized, but in the end disorganization wins.  THIS WILL BE THE YEAR ORGANIZATION WINS!

– Live in the moment! This is a tough one when your job requires you to know what you are doing several weeks and months ahead of time and sometimes a whole year in advance. But those days I have off I will live in the moment and be more spontaneous.

– Craft more.  This is one I have been lacking in my life.  I used to craft just about every other day, it brought such calm and joy to me. But again yet another thing that has been neglected.  The past year and a half has been dedicated to getting our photo booth business- Le Vintage Photo Booth- up and running.  It has taken a great deal of my time and energy, not to mention our other business- John Arriola Films- requires my time, as well. This year I WILL craft my little heart out!

-Make time for myself/ourselves. Owning your own business is tough work, because it is a 24/7 job.  Your days are filled with meetings, weddings, expos, marketing, work functions etc. or your thinking about how to drum up new business, get to the next level, shake things up etc. this leaves little time for anything else. We love our work, but having some time to yourself is essential and this year we will carve out me and us time.

Well, here’s hoping I can stick to, accomplish, or follow through on these New Year’s Resolutions!

Wishing you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR! May 2016 be filled with overwhelming love, laughter and happiness!!!
