An Explosion of Color

I have attended my share of weddings and I would say, while many are beautiful, most lack color. A common thought when deciding on the color palette of ones wedding is that it must be restrained in order to keep the elegance.  But I feel that a wedding should be joyful and full of life and there is no better way to show that than through color, and lots of it.

If you are the kind of couple that doesn’t shy away from color, then I say DON’T.  Embrace your love for bright cheery shades and run with it.  Dowse your wedding with all the colors of the rainbow if you desire.  Don’t let stuffy rules or expectations determine what the most wonderful day of your life will look like.  Make it your own and feel free to have a multitude of exuberant shades. Here’s some inspiration to get you on your way!
