Being Thankful & Showing Gratitude

Being thankful and Showing gratitudeThanksgiving has come and gone and I feel saddened by this. I feel this holiday doesn’t get enough attention, because of Christmas. As Christmas becomes more and more dominant in stores, and it pushes its way into most of the store aisles, you see less of Thanksgiving. In some stores Christmas creeps in as early as July or August, and as the weeks go by it takes over yet another aisle. Where does that leave Thanksgiving? With one measly little aisle. It will soon be a forgotten holiday.

I know Thanksgiving isn’t about the decorations, but once that goes all traces of it are gone.  The decorations are what keep it in the stores, on television, and in homes as a friendly reminder of the holiday. Without those friendly reminders people would forget about Thanksgiving all together. It’s important to keep in mind what this glorious holiday is about- aside from eating turkey until we are comatose. Thanksgiving is about giving, showing, and expressing thanks for all the many blessings bestowed upon us.

While this day is dedicated to being thankful, let us not forget to do so everyday of the year. How do we do this? In a few simple ways.

  1. Say “Thank you ” more often. This seems like it would be a no brainer, but you would be surprised how often people forget to say those two little words.  We teach children to say it when someone has extended a helping hand, showed a nicety/ act of kindness, or paid them a compliment. However, as adults somehow this small gesture has been lost on us.  Why? I’m not sure, maybe it’s that we have so much going on as adults we simply forget to do so.  I don’t believe it comes from a malicious place or on purpose, however we do need to make a change. Always take the time to say those two little words, that short little phrase when someone has showed you a nicety. In general, people don’t do or say things for a thank you, but it’s always nice to know you acknowledge their act of kindness and are grateful for it.
  2. Pay it forward. You are on Cloud 9 as you celebrate the fact that you are having an amazing day/week/month or some other special event. Celebrate, you deserve it! On the other side of the spectrum someone is having a bad day/week/month etc. and they aren’t feeling so great. A small act of kindness, whether it be a few words of encouragement or a helping hand could make a world of difference. If and when you see someone in need take action and be that ray of sunshine that person may need. Keep in mind that it could have been you in that very situation and one would hope someone would do the same for you.
  3. Small token of gratitude. This can be a little something, nothing that brakes the bank. It is just a little something to let that person know you’re grateful and thankful for them. It lets them know you appreciate them and all that they have done for you.
  4. Being Thankful. This one’s for you and you alone. Sometimes we forget what blessing have been bestowed upon us and get into a mood of complaining: I don’t have this/that…Why didn’t I get this/that…Why me or why not me…Why didn’t this/that happen…Why did this/that happen…etc. And we lose sight of our blessings. Take a moment to acknowledge those blessings in your life.  It’s not an inventory of what you have been blessed with, but rather an observance of those blessings. So that you can see and know just how fortunate you are.

Everyday should be a day of being thankful and showing gratitude.
