Day 26 – Home Sweet Home

DAY 26 Make a HOME SWEET HOME sign together and display it in your home.

Now before you disregard this task, because you think it sounds to difficult, hear me out. It is not complicated at all. Use what you have at home, be creative with the supplies. You probably have a junk drawer full of possible craft supplies. If you don’t you are bound to have some simple supplies like paper and markers, paint, or color pencils. I will make it even less complicated, do you have a computer, paper and printer? Create your HOME SWEET HOME sign on your computer. If you are an avid crafter like me you will be fully stocked with crafting goodies at the ready. HAVE FUN!

I would love to see what you create. Take a photo of your sign and put it up on our FACEBOOK page under the comments section of the DAY 26 post. Can’t wait to see what you all create. The photo portion is optional.
