Cocktail Friday…Aphrodite


Is it Friday already! We are heading into wedding #4 this weekend.  Our last for the next couple of weeks and man o man what a ride we have been on. We don’t usually have so many weddings back to back, so you can imagine our relief to finally be on the last stretch of this incredible block of weddings.

These past few weeks of weddings takes me back to when my husband and I began this adventurous journey of filming weddings.  It all began way back when we were mere college students trying to make ends meet. It was not an easy task, but we managed to make it work, although not without a few melt downs along the way.  The summer was the hardest, because at the time it was our busiest season. (Now not so much, Fall has become our big wedding season. I attribute it to the harsh Texas heat.) I was attending summer school and we were working EVERY single weekend and twice a weekend.  It varied between Saturday and Sunday or Friday and Saturday. And all the while I was writing papers every week. It was EXHAUSTING! But we loved what we did and couldn’t imagine ourselves doing anything else, so we continued, not allowing the grueling hours to phase us.

Flash forward several years and that thought still remains.  We may hit some rough patches every now and then, but this is what we are supposed to be doing.  We can’t see ourselves doing anything else.  We love our job too much.  We meet so many incredible couples, witness overwhelming love on a day to day basis and we are surrounded by such creative talent, all of which make our career choice worth it. We count our blessings everyday!

THE COCKTAIL 200 Fabulous Drinks by Jane Rocca
