Signature Cocktails for Him

SignatureCocktailsForHimYesterday I shared some of my favorite SIGNATURE COCKTAILS FOR HER, today is dedicated to the men- SIGNATURE COCKTAILS FOR HIM. Any Godfather fans out there? I have included a cocktail you are going to love!

2 oz. bourbon
1/2 Grand Marnier
2 tsp. caramel syrup
raisins to garnish

Pour ingredients into a martini glass, stir, and serve.  Garnish with raisins steeped in bourbon.

2 oz. bourbon
1 oz. fresh lemon juice
1 oz. sugar syrup
splash of soda water
cherry and slice of orange to garnish

Fill two-thirds of a Collins glass with ice and pour ingredients over it.  Garnish with a cherry and a slice of orange.

1 oz. bourbon
1 oz. amaretto
2 wedges of lime to garnish

Build bourbon and amaretto in an ice-filled old-fashioned glass.  Top with lime wedges.

2 oz. bourbon
1 oz. orange juice
1/2 oz. lime juice
1 tsp. superfine sugar
slice of orange to garnish

Shake all ingredients with ice cubes and strain into old-fashioned glass over ice.  Garnish with an orange slice.

1 oz. gin
1/2 oz. Campari
splash sparkling grapefruit juice
2 wedges of fresh lime to garnish

Build ingredients in a highball glass over ice.  Garnish with lime wedges.




