Monthly Happy Goals for August

My Monthly Happy Goals for August have been influenced by the fact that August marks the beginning of a new school year for many. It’s been years since I have set foot in a classroom whether it be for high school or college or work (I was a teacher’s aid for one year), but I still find myself filled with a feeling of giddiness during this time every year. It’s hard not to when you see the rows and rows of school supplies at all the stores. At every corner of the stores I frequent there is a pile of lined paper, cartons of crayons, fun novelty folders, and packs of pens and pencils. I see those school supplies and I am taken back to those school days.

It takes me back to way back when my August was marked with the preparation of the approaching new school year. I was consumed with two very strong feelings during that time: excitement and trepidation.  I was excited to begin a new year of brand new experiences, adventures, and memories, not to mention a whole years worth of brand new knowledge to look forward to. However, I was also overwhelmed with a feeling of trepidation: Would I like my teachers? Would it be as great a year as the previous? In the end, I had worked myself up into a frenzy for no reason at all. The year would end on a wonderful note as it did every other year.

One thing I especially liked during this time was the shopping. My mom would take us shopping for our new school wardrobe and our school supplies. I always felt that what I chose–in school supplies and wardrobe–would set the tone for the upcoming year. My wardrobe and supplies would not get replaced until the next school year, so I had to choose wisely. I only bought what I LOVED. I would be looking at that folder, writing with that pen, strutting my stuff in that skirt ALL year long, so I had to choose things that tickled my fancy and would do so for the ENTIRE school year.

I am now all grown up with adult responsibilities, but I carry and cherish those wonderful memories of that simple time in life. This month I pay homage to that time in my life with this month’s Monthly Happy Goals.

1. For nostalgia’s sake grab some of those school supplies. Oooh, especially some pencils–I love a good pencil! And a couple of those very cool three ring binders to get my papers sorted.
2. Read some of the classic literature books I read in high school. (Pride and Prejudice & The Great Gatsby to name a few.) And those I didn’t have a chance to read, but wish I had.
3. Enjoy a sack lunch or two this month.
4. Do my writing on pen and paper. Most of my work gets done on a computer and it’s nice to do it the old fashion way every now and again.
5. Drag my hubby on a field trip to the museum. I loved going to the museum, especially the gift shop!





