Today I’m sharing an inspiring download for the month of November. The I AM THANKFUL FOR… download is a wonderful way to celebrate November and the Thanksgiving holiday.
This year I have been making a conscious choice to take the time to reflect upon and, most importantly, show gratitude for all the blessings in my life. Sometimes we loose sight of what we are blessed with, because we are far too focused on the negative. Or rather all those things we DON’T have, HAVEN’T experienced, or people we DON’T know. We forget to be grateful and thankful for what we have in life, the experiences we have been witness to, and the relationships we are fortunate to have in our lives. Those positive and beautiful things are what we should focus on instead of wallowing and/or obsessing with the negative.
Life has its good days, its not so good days and its down right terrible days. Life comes with a great amount of joy, adventure, happiness, as well as, ups and downs, sadness and disappointment. In a perfect world life would be filled with rainbows and unicorns, however, in the real world it is made up of an assortment of situations, interactions, and emotions. But all those things are what make life so unpredictable and worth the crazy ride. At the end of the day, the only thing one can do is cherish, savor and celebrate the wonderful blessings, moments, memories and adventures that help us along and keep us trucking through those tough days. Everyday has its silver lining, it’s up to you to notice them and savor them.
My I AM THANKFUL FOR… download will help you see everyday’s silver lining. At the end of the day take a moment to replay the day (even the terrible ones) and think of one thing you are thankful or grateful for for that particular day. Then jot it down on your printed download. Think of it as a kind of journal of your thankful/grateful moments.
I too have decided to put down on paper all that I AM THANKFUL FOR so that I will have a written record of my blessings. This wonderful record will come in handy on those days I may be down in the dumps. I can look at my list to remind me that I have many blessings to be happy for.
NOTE: I am planning to use this download into next year. So I have created a space to denote the month you are sharing your blessings on, in case you may like to continue this activity into the next year, as well.