Merry Christmas

merrychristmas2016 Wow, it is only a few more days until we are into a new year. Time flies when you’re having fun! Look forward to what the new year brings.

I will be taking some much needed time off. The past couple of years has been a whirlwind: running one successful business, starting up another that is thriving, writing the blog and factor in life in general. It has been one heck of a ride and I wouldn’t change a thing.  I have to admit these two years haven’t been a cake walk. We’ve had some bumps in the road in terms of our professional life. However, it has helped us realize we are a force to be reckon with. We can weather any storm, overcome any obstacle and solve what seems like the impossible.  We are resilient, resourceful, adaptable, ambitious, and persistent people. Strong characteristics that have allowed us to be a successful team in our personal and professional life. Together we are stronger. We always have one another’s back. We are a supportive and encouraging unit.  And most importantly, our love knows no bounds. Together we can accomplish anything!

We love what we do!  We love our clients!  We love the life we have created together! All this equals to an amazing life!

I’ll be back around the 18th of January. Until then feel free to look at previous posts, leave comments, shoot me an email to I’m working on some changes for the new year and I hope to have them all complete by then (fingers crossed). So be sure to check back!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas! May your holiday season be filled with love, laughter and joy!

Our 6th Wedding Anniversary

ourmasonjarrunnethoverOn December 18th my husband and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary. To celebrate we decided to throw an intimate soiree with close family as attendants.  I had hoped to celebrate our 5 year anniversary as it is a typically celebrated milestone, but our December in 2015 was packed with events and we couldn’t seem to find the time. But luckily this year we were able to carve out one weekend for ourselves.6th-anniversary invite

On December 17th we gathered our nearest and dearest at our home.  We aren’t the formal type, so we decided on something that was special, intimate, personal, and winter inspired. Anyone who knows me is fully aware of my passion for planning soirees. I love coming up with a theme and creating a look and feel for an event/party/soiree.  I leave no stone unturned. I’m all about the details- those little things are what leave a lasting impression with guests. These special details stay with guests for years to come.

The jumping off point began with a single print- black and red buffalo plaid. This print is very popular this holiday season and it resonated with me.  I am just so obsessed with it. I have sprinkled a bit of this print throughout the house: blankets, pennant garlands, runners, and kitchen towels. I gravitated to this print in such an intense way that I felt it was only appropriate it be a main theme for the soiree.
Well Wishes- 6th Wedding Anniversary

Thank You Tags- 6th wedding AnniversaryThis one print made an appearance on almost everything, although I made sure not to over do the print. To tame the bold print I added white, cream, and hints of green, as well. These neutral and calm colors brought a harmonious balance, allowed the print to shine, but never overpowering it.

I created my own stationery for the event- something I do for all my parties/soirees/events- in order to bring all the elements together. I created a motto for the night “Our mason jar runneth over”, a twist on an already existing phrase- “Our cup runneth over.” Changing ‘cup’ for ‘mason jar’ was a way of personalizing this phrase for us, as we are the mason jar type and it felt more appropriate for us.  We chose this phrase because this sentiment is exactly how we feel today and everyday.  We are filled with tremendous love, joy and happiness to last us several lifetimes.  Everyday we are grateful for what we have been blessed with in our personal and professional lives and more importantly, life in general.

Creating your very own stationery is a wonderful way of  personalizing your event and an inexpensive way to represent your theme, as well. With the help of etsy or other sites this is a fairly easy task to complete. I then created two menus to display, thank you tags for favors, drink tags and a print out for the Well Wishes station.

Through out this post I have shared the personalized stationery I created for our special day.  I hope my stationery helps spark the desire to throw your very own anniversary party or celebration!

drink signs 6th anniversary
menu 6th anniversarymenu 6th anniversary

2017 Engage by Robert Martinez


Every year Robert Martinez never ceases to amaze me! Time and time again he produces a Bridal Show above all other bridal shows in the Rio Grande Valley. He has managed to bring together some of the finest wedding/event professionals the Rio Grande Valley has to offer. Expert wedding professionals ready to make your dream wedding a reality.

As in previous years, one lucky couple will win a 10 thousand dollar Wedding Collection. Oh me oh my! That is enough to make my heart skip a beat!

This is a show you will not want to miss! ENGAGE will take place June 11, 2017. I know, why such an early mention? Hey, it’s never to early to make plans, especially for such a spectacular event. And I know that during the holidays many many many engagements occur and I want all those newly engaged couples to be in the know early on.

Mark your calendars, planner, date books and phones with this FABULOUS event!

Being Thankful & Showing Gratitude

Being thankful and Showing gratitudeThanksgiving has come and gone and I feel saddened by this. I feel this holiday doesn’t get enough attention, because of Christmas. As Christmas becomes more and more dominant in stores, and it pushes its way into most of the store aisles, you see less of Thanksgiving. In some stores Christmas creeps in as early as July or August, and as the weeks go by it takes over yet another aisle. Where does that leave Thanksgiving? With one measly little aisle. It will soon be a forgotten holiday.

I know Thanksgiving isn’t about the decorations, but once that goes all traces of it are gone.  The decorations are what keep it in the stores, on television, and in homes as a friendly reminder of the holiday. Without those friendly reminders people would forget about Thanksgiving all together. It’s important to keep in mind what this glorious holiday is about- aside from eating turkey until we are comatose. Thanksgiving is about giving, showing, and expressing thanks for all the many blessings bestowed upon us.

While this day is dedicated to being thankful, let us not forget to do so everyday of the year. How do we do this? In a few simple ways.

  1. Say “Thank you ” more often. This seems like it would be a no brainer, but you would be surprised how often people forget to say those two little words.  We teach children to say it when someone has extended a helping hand, showed a nicety/ act of kindness, or paid them a compliment. However, as adults somehow this small gesture has been lost on us.  Why? I’m not sure, maybe it’s that we have so much going on as adults we simply forget to do so.  I don’t believe it comes from a malicious place or on purpose, however we do need to make a change. Always take the time to say those two little words, that short little phrase when someone has showed you a nicety. In general, people don’t do or say things for a thank you, but it’s always nice to know you acknowledge their act of kindness and are grateful for it.
  2. Pay it forward. You are on Cloud 9 as you celebrate the fact that you are having an amazing day/week/month or some other special event. Celebrate, you deserve it! On the other side of the spectrum someone is having a bad day/week/month etc. and they aren’t feeling so great. A small act of kindness, whether it be a few words of encouragement or a helping hand could make a world of difference. If and when you see someone in need take action and be that ray of sunshine that person may need. Keep in mind that it could have been you in that very situation and one would hope someone would do the same for you.
  3. Small token of gratitude. This can be a little something, nothing that brakes the bank. It is just a little something to let that person know you’re grateful and thankful for them. It lets them know you appreciate them and all that they have done for you.
  4. Being Thankful. This one’s for you and you alone. Sometimes we forget what blessing have been bestowed upon us and get into a mood of complaining: I don’t have this/that…Why didn’t I get this/that…Why me or why not me…Why didn’t this/that happen…Why did this/that happen…etc. And we lose sight of our blessings. Take a moment to acknowledge those blessings in your life.  It’s not an inventory of what you have been blessed with, but rather an observance of those blessings. So that you can see and know just how fortunate you are.

Everyday should be a day of being thankful and showing gratitude.
